Meet Our Founder and CEO

LaCountess R. Ingram 

LaCountess R. Ingram is a native of the Philadelphia area. She is a cancer conqueror and proud mother of four amazing young adults.

Her energetic and extremely positive teaching style has allowed her to travel in various arenas as a Wellness and Fitness Expert. In 2005, while journeying through cancer God revealed to LaCountess in the Gospel of Mark 1:30-31 that she was Healed to Serve. The illumination of this revelation has flourished into the conscious lifestyle transformational experience, called Healed to Go. Since then LaCountess vowed to the Lord that she would live a healthier lifestyle and dedicate her life to helping others do the same through teaching wellness of the body, soul and spirit by sharing the empowering Word of God.

LaCountess R. Ingram currently works with a dedicated team of healthcare professionals assisting people in living healthier lifestyles. She is a certified aerobics instructor licensed Zumba Instructor, and certified in Primary Biblical Studies.

God has afforded LaCountess the opportunity to share the power of living well. She has shared on many platforms including Youth Presentations, Young and Seasoned Adults Classes, Spiritual Retreats and Health Forums. She is blessed and excited to be able to encourage women from all walks of life being forged from the same process of overcoming disease, and becoming whole in mind, body, soul and spirit.

LaCountess’ passion is loving God and exhorting women to understand and unlock their value allowing them to fulfill their God given purpose. 

    A Journey from Healing to Help
